The construction of written texts in Spanish – Literature lessons


  • Soraida Guillermina González Martínez Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín
  • Dalquis María Rodríguez Díaz Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín
  • Alba Rosa Moreno Tamayo Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín


textual constructio, Spanish end Literature, Technical and Professional Education


In the following article the authors carried out a theoretical – methodological analysis about the teaching of the construction of written texts in the Spanish lessons along with an interdisciplinary approach, conceived from the bibliographical revision and the assumption of the most updated criteria on the issue. According to what was stated before, it was declared as objective to explain the importance of the textual construction as interdisciplinary ability. It was demonstrated the need to apply this functional component, not only by Spanish teachers but by others from other subjects, and it was also evidenced that it constitutes a cognitive domain which turns out to be common in every subject and at the same time it is pillar upon which the communication efficiency is based, together with the promotion of essential skills to the professional performance of educators.


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GRASS GALLO, ÉLIDA. Textos y abordajes. La Habana, Editorial Pueblo y Educación, 2003.
HAYES, J. R. A News Framework for Understanding Cognitive and Affect in Writing. Trad. De S. Bonilla. Barcelona, Ed. Ariel, 1996.
MARTÍ, JOSÉ. Ideario Pedagógico. La Habana, Editorial Pueblo y Educación, 1990.
REPILADO, RICARDO. Dos temas de redacción y lenguaje. La Habana, Editorial Pueblo y Educación, 1975.
ROMÉU ESCOBAR, ANGELINA. El enfoque cognitivo, comunicativo y sociocultural en la enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura. La Habana, Editorial Pueblo y Educación, 2007.
VAN DIJK, TEUN. Análisis del discurso ideológico. [Disponible desde https://www.discursos.orgArtAn%E1lisis%20del%20discurso%20ideol%F3gico.pdf]. [Visitado 20/01/06 10.25 am].



How to Cite

González Martínez, S. G., Rodríguez Díaz, D. M., & Moreno Tamayo, A. R. (2013). The construction of written texts in Spanish – Literature lessons. LUZ, 12(4), 77-88. Retrieved from

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