La formación laboral de los alumnos con necesidades educativas por retraso mental desde una perspectiva martiana


  • Sonia Rodríguez Velázquez Instituto Superior Pedagógico José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín
  • Celia Martínez Serra


The special education is compromised with the education of the one person prepared to act and skillfully use his intellect and hands, despite their posibility. The special schools for children with stable and special educative necessities have an important mission: bring them to the active sociolaboral life. To accomplish this mission in those schools, a process of labor formation through different activities were done. The following investigation have the main objective of Martí ‘s ideas about the labor and its application in the education of the students with stable and special educative necessities. To effect this analysis were taken few fragments from the Complete works. Deep reflections about how teacher can use those ideas of Martí in there pedagogical practice were done to reach the application of this experience, satisfactory results were reached, while the teaching personal were prepared, is translated in a better educated pupil.


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Bell Rodríguez Rafael Sublime profesión de amor. La Habana, Editorial Pueblo y Educación 1996
J Cerezal Mezquita. La formación Laboral en los umbrales del siglo XXI. La Habana. Editorial Pueblo y Educación 2000
José Martí: Obras Completas, T.5, 8, 12, 18, 19.
López Machín Ramón. Educación de Alumnos con Necesidades Educativas Especiales. Fundamentos y Actualidad. La Habana Editorial Pueblo y Educación 2000 Plan de desarrollo. Especialidad. Retraso Mental. Documento del MINED



How to Cite

Rodríguez Velázquez, S., & Martínez Serra, C. (2004). La formación laboral de los alumnos con necesidades educativas por retraso mental desde una perspectiva martiana. LUZ, 3(2), 6. Retrieved from




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