La evaluación, una reflexión en el aprendizaje


  • Isabel Almaguer Guerrero Instituto Superior Pedagógico José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín
  • Mariela Silva Cruz Instituto Superior Pedagógico José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín


evaluación, aprendizaje


The work approaches some reflections that they are important to consider in the process of the learning on the evaluation and how the teacher by means of different methods can arrive to the execution of the proposed objectives, and to achieve that it is integral, being based on the unit of the knowledge and the affective thing, social and personal fact of this process. considering the role that plays the fellow and the conditions to make it in the new transformations of the teaching.


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How to Cite

Almaguer Guerrero, I., & Silva Cruz, M. (2017). La evaluación, una reflexión en el aprendizaje. LUZ, 6(1), 8. Retrieved from

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