Method for the training in Biosecurity of students of the basic course of the major Medicine


  • Dalila Chacón Bonet Medicine School, Holguin. Cuba
  • Luis Aníbal Alonso Betancourt University of Holguin, Cuba
  • Pedro Augusto Díaz Rojas Medicine School, Holguin. Cuba


Medicine, bioseguridad, formation, method, student


The present article proposes a method for the training in Biosecurity of medical students in the basic course, whose scientific novelty is the implementation of a training dynamics that integrates the organizational methods of higher medical education (specialized conferences, seminars, workshops) with those of work education (medical guard, rounds and visits). The study is based on the theoretical point of view of the Cuban doctor training model. A direct, observational study in the field, of pre-experimental type, based on a cross-sectional study, using methods such as analysis, synthesis, induction- deduction, national and foreign scientific literature review, observation, pedagogical pre-experiment and the chi-squared test at a 95,0% confidence, was carried out. The population and sample were composed of students of the basic course of the major Medicine in Holguín, Cuba.  The study is concluded by expressing that the implementation of the method contributes to improving the training in Biosecurity of medical students during the fulfillment of their duties at the public health care facilities.


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How to Cite

Chacón Bonet , D. ., Alonso Betancourt, L. A. ., & Díaz Rojas, P. A. . (2022). Method for the training in Biosecurity of students of the basic course of the major Medicine. LUZ, 22(2), 96-108. Retrieved from

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