Title Ongoing training of professionals from local cultural institutions in Sagua de Tánamo: Contribution to the cultural local investigation


  • Vicente Amado Robles Tomacén University of Holguín. Cuba
  • Roberto Pérez Almaguer University of Holguín. Cuba


formación permanente; superación profesional; desarrollo profesional; organizaciones culturales


The results are presented in the systematization from the theoretical-practical perspective, of the development of the permanent training of the professionals of the local cultural institutions in the context of the Sagua de Tánamo municipality. It provides a permanent training model for cultural research in the local context, which provides new relationships that allow the logic of the permanent training process to be contextualized to the demands and demands of the performance scenarios of this professional. In addition, a pedagogical strategy is provided that enriches the process of permanent training of this professional, by influencing their professionalization.


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How to Cite

Robles Tomacén , V. A. . ., & Pérez Almaguer , R. . (2021). Title Ongoing training of professionals from local cultural institutions in Sagua de Tánamo: Contribution to the cultural local investigation. LUZ, 20(4), 74-88. Retrieved from https://luz.uho.edu.cu/index.php/luz/article/view/1136

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