Relación de pareja vs funcionamiento familiar. Un estudio en Holguín


  • Yudith Laura Ferreiro Fuentes Universidad de Holguín




 This article starts with a new conception about the relationships between the family and the school, taking into account one the problematies of the Cuban families nowadays, which is based on the treatment of the relationships among couples and how they influenced on the family functioning. The principal theoretical conceptions about this topic and the results obtained in a recent study carried out in the municipality of Holguín are also exposed. These results have revealed the correspondence between the two aspects mentioned before. Families in which the couples relationships have been evaluated in a satisfactory way have on adecuate familiar functioning, and have favorable living conditions which contribute to evaluated in a positive way these two variables. In this analysis it has been proven that the variables studied in the conflict areas are focused on the bringing up of children, and the distribution of the family Budget and the household.



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How to Cite

Ferreiro Fuentes, Y. L. (2003). Relación de pareja vs funcionamiento familiar. Un estudio en Holguín. LUZ, 2(3), 7. Retrieved from


