Comparative analysis of Spanish teaching methods between China and Spain


  • Longxiang Li Jilin University of International Studies. China.
  • Yining Tang Jilin University of International Studies. China.
  • Irina González Navarro Jilin University of International Studies. China.


comparative analysis; teaching-learning methods.


With the development of China's reform and opening up to the outside world, cooperation and exchange between China and Spanish-speaking countries have become more and more frequent in politics, economy and culture. Thanks to the implementation of policies such as the Belt and Road initiative, relations between China and Spanish-speaking countries are closer than before. At the same time, many universities offer Spanish classes, this is due to the increased demand for graduates with advanced Spanish ability. The Spanish teaching model in China is improving. Many similarities and differences between the didactics of Spanish between China and Spain can be observed. This article intends to carry out a comparative analysis of Spanish teaching methods between China and Spain and a summary of the characteristics of the different models for the innovation and improvement of the teaching-learning methods.


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How to Cite

Longxiang, L., Yining, T., & González Navarro, I. . (2023). Comparative analysis of Spanish teaching methods between China and Spain . LUZ, 22(3), 6-15. Retrieved from