Methodology for the development of communicative competence in the initial training of agricultural engineers


  • Leonardo Riverón Fonseca University of Holguín, Cuba
  • Rafael Armando Rodríguez Devesa University of Holguín, Cuba
  • Hortencia Cruz López University of Holguín, Cuba


communicative competence; methodology; agricultural engineer


The diagnostic study previously carried out, based on the exploration of the scientific literature that addresses communicative competence from the training process and with the application of scientific research methods, the existence of limitations in the initial training of the students of the career was determined. of Agricultural Engineering of the Frank País Municipal University Center, in terms of communicative competence. It was based on the theoretical and methodological systematization of the object and the field that contributed to analyze the treatment that communicative competence has had in the academic formation of the career, which revealed deficiencies in its treatment from an integrative approach. From these shortcomings; a methodology is developed for the development of communicative competence, in the initial training of the agronomist, which considers the contexts of agricultural action and serves as a methodological work tool in the preparation of teachers.


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How to Cite

Riverón Fonseca, L. ., Rodríguez Devesa, R. A. ., & Cruz López, H. . (2023). Methodology for the development of communicative competence in the initial training of agricultural engineers. LUZ, 22(3). Retrieved from



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