La Environmental education of students Qualified Workers specialty Integral Craft


  • Yaima Domínguez Aldana Instituto Politécnico Mayor General Calixto García Íñiguez, Holguín. Cuba
  • Yunia Pérez Borrergo Universidad de Holguín. Cuba


environmental education; specialty Crafts


The work aims to structure an alternative that incorporates in its conception orientations nature didactic and methodological to promote environmental education of students Worker Qualified Integral Craft Polytechnic Institute Major General Calixto Garcia Iniguez the municipality Holguin, through the Spanish- Literature subject. In its development, different methods, including the theoretical (analysis and synthesis, logical historical and induction-deduction) and empirical (surveys, interviews and participant observation scientific) were used. reference material valuable was obtained as a result available to teachers in order to consolidate the environmental education of students, in response to the changes that are being applied in the Technical and Vocational Education (ETP), arising from the current economic policy and social that holds the country.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Aldana, Y., & Pérez Borrergo, Y. (2018). La Environmental education of students Qualified Workers specialty Integral Craft. LUZ, 17(4), 67-77. Retrieved from