Didactic resources to favor the process of teaching and learning mathematics in schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities


  • Yunia Vega Batista University of Holguín. Cuba
  • Itzel Lorena Alemán Espino Matagalpa José Martí Normal School
  • Miguel Aquiles Casals Sierra University of Holguín. Cuba
  • Jesús Zúñiga Hung University of Holguín. Cuba


teaching; learning; didactic resources; intellectual disability


The challenges that school and pedagogy demand today require the design and application of a pedagogical intervention based on a truly personalized, stimulating, guiding, functional, comprehensive motivation process and with a new conception of the future citizen we educate. In this direction, the search for ways to attend and solve the difficulties that arise in the teaching-learning process of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities is necessary and essential. The present work addresses the need to favor the teaching-learning process of mathematics from the development of skills for the written calculation of addition and subtraction in schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities.


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How to Cite

Vega Batista, Y. ., Alemán Espino, I. L. ., Casals Sierra, M. A. ., & Zúñiga Hung, J. . (2023). Didactic resources to favor the process of teaching and learning mathematics in schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. LUZ, 23(1), e1394. Retrieved from https://luz.uho.edu.cu/index.php/luz/article/view/1394