Development of professional ethics in nursing students during on-the-job education


  • Cinthya del Cisne Vega Moreno Instituto Superior Tecnológico Argos. Ecuador.
  • Jeanina Carolina Lascano Filián Instituto Superior Tecnológico Argos. Ecuador.
  • Mónica Patricia Acosta Gaibor Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo. Ecuador


Nursing, professional ethics, teaching content, professional competencies, interdisciplinarity


Ethics has become an active element of integral professional training in the nursing career. In this article, a pedagogical alternative is based on the development of professional ethics in the students of the Nursing career during the formative actions of education at work, where ethics and professional training are articulated in the Primary Health Care. A descriptive-explanatory research was carried out to study the reality of the professional training process of the Nursing career and to explain the basis of the pedagogical alternative for the development of professional ethics in Nursing students. The alternative is argued in an integral dynamic of the teaching contents, the formation of competences and interdisciplinarity, which contributes to the improvement in professional ethics and can be generalized in any context of development of the Nursing career.


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How to Cite

Vega Moreno, C. del C. ., Lascano Filián, J. C. ., & Acosta Gaibor, M. P. . (2023). Development of professional ethics in nursing students during on-the-job education. LUZ, 23(3), e1270. Retrieved from

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