Development of the Communicative Competence from the Research Professional Training of Training Teachers


  • Idania Leida Leyva Pérez Universidad de Holguín. Cuba
  • Idalmis Domínguez Serrano Universidad de Holguín. Cuba
  • Vladimir de Jesús Domínguez Guillén Universidad de Holguín. Cuba


communicative competence


The study presented was aimed at the identification of the main regulations, principles and premises defining the training of the educational researcher from the professional training, for the development of professional competences, making emphasis on that of communication, in the career Bachelor of Special Education. There were used the methods: analysis-synthesis, historico-logical and the study of the syllabus, along with the professional model, objectives of the academic year and the curriculum of the academic subjects. The main results were the principles and premises that propitiated a better organization and control of the training process of the educational researcher when achieving communicative competences. It can be concluded that in the syllabus design of such career, there are actions to train an educational researcher, who makes incursions into the search of new knowledge and develops professional competences.


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How to Cite

Leyva Pérez, I. L., Domínguez Serrano, I., & Domínguez Guillén, V. de J. (2015). Development of the Communicative Competence from the Research Professional Training of Training Teachers. LUZ, 14(Special), 80-90. Retrieved from