Reflexiones acerca del estilo de redacción científico: el artículo y su estructura


  • Luis Cruz Díaz
  • Joel Ramírez Ramos Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín
  • Enélida Pérez Batista


scientific article, scientific writing


In this work they are norms and basic demands to keep in mind in the process of the writing and presentation of a scientific article that can abbreviate the preparation of the inexpert professionals in the field of the publication. Reflections and references are offered on the structure of this text type which are not plentiful or they are very dispersed in the revised literature. The consultation of this material is valid for any professional interested in publishing. It is recommended in a prioritised way for the personnel registered in the master ship of wide access, where the publication of a scientific article constitutes on extracurricular credit.


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How to Cite

Cruz Díaz, L., Ramírez Ramos, J., & Pérez Batista, E. (2009). Reflexiones acerca del estilo de redacción científico: el artículo y su estructura. LUZ, 8(4), 6. Retrieved from


