Proposal of a redesign of a degree course assuming the variable “pertinence” in the Bachelor degree in Pedagogy: Theoretical framework


  • Carmen Montalvo Mera Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. (UNACH). Riobamba. Ecuador.
  • Byron Enrique Mora Avilez Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. (UNACH). Riobamba. Ecuador.


The present article synthesizes the theoretic frame of a research project related to the study of pertinence of the bachelor's degree in Pedagogy of Social Studies, in the faculty of Human Sciences of the Education and Technologies belonging to the University of Chimborazo, - UNACH. The objective of this research consists on elaborating a characterization of the theoretic referential frame of the quoted course, in addition to enunciate and interrelate the legislation in use and the theoretic assumptions accepted so far. The methods used were: historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, experts’ judgment, dialectic contradictions, and the empiric methods of interviews and opinion polls. The results achieved in this article consists on examining documentary sources of national character that allows to draw a theoretical  referent for the enunciated course and are held to scientific criticism and proposals of a pertinent model capable to respond to the educational and social requirements of the country. The findings consist in the theoretic characterization of the epistemological frame that allows undertaking the improvement of the professions of pedagogic profile, helping this professional to build the competences that enable him to forge his identity and practices.


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How to Cite

Montalvo Mera, C., & Mora Avilez, B. E. (2018). Proposal of a redesign of a degree course assuming the variable “pertinence” in the Bachelor degree in Pedagogy: Theoretical framework. LUZ, 17(2), 58-70. Retrieved from