The The Primacy of Comprehension in a Problem Solving Method Applicable in the Initial Training of Mathematics Teachers in Angola and Cuba


  • Beatriz María San Juan-Azze Universidad de Holguín. Cuba
  • Alexandre Gombiwa-Alfredo Escuela de primero y segundo ciclo de la enseñanza secundaria 4 de abril. Municipio Caala, Huambo, Angola


understanding; problem solving method


The authors prepared the article on the basis of educational research where theoretical aspects were systematized around different approaches to problem solving. The predominant role of understanding is considered essential. The main objective was to expose the essence of the method of stimulation understanding - to enhance reflection in interactive teaching problem solving during classes in mathematics education situations. The proposal came as part of initial teacher training in Angola and Cuba, as a result of research and experience of the authors.


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How to Cite

San Juan-Azze, B. M., & Gombiwa-Alfredo, A. (2018). The The Primacy of Comprehension in a Problem Solving Method Applicable in the Initial Training of Mathematics Teachers in Angola and Cuba. LUZ, 17(1), 24-31. Retrieved from