Procedures for the Sign Language Teaching-Learning Process


  • Marlens Labrada Pérez Universidad de Holguín. Cuba
  • Hilda Lidia Fuentes Rodríguez Universidad de Holguín. Cuba
  • Yarelis Jiménez Peña Universidad de Holguín. Cuba


communication, sign language


This article was aimed at the characteristics supporting the teaching-learning process of the Sign Language in the Food processing trade, for students with hearing impairment. The diagnostic deepened in the insufficiencies from the pedagogical practice, stating the existing problem. As part of the preparation and fulfillment of the algorithm, it was created a set of signs for working with students suffering hearing impairments, which usage in practice corroborated its value when facilitating communication in the teaching-learning process in such trade. In its development, the following theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and historico-logical; as well as the empirical ones: observation, interview and experts´ consultation. The proposal demonstrated the achievement of the declared objectives; this way, it favored the communication with this kind of students by the Sign Language in the aforementioned trade. It contributed with the comprehensive training of these students and their full social and work integration, through a system of teaching, psychological, educative and social influences, based on the continuing deepening of their potentials along with an appropriate direction of the teaching-learning process.  


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How to Cite

Labrada Pérez, M., Fuentes Rodríguez, H. L., & Jiménez Peña, Y. (2015). Procedures for the Sign Language Teaching-Learning Process. LUZ, 14(Special), 37-46. Retrieved from