The treatment to the life and work of Vilma Lucila Espín Guillois in the Preschool


  • Yanely López Batista Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín
  • Raiza Toppe Benítez Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín
  • Olga Lidia Oro Barrera Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín


The insufficient preparation of teachers was the problem stated in the methodological treatment to the content of the life and work of Vilma Lucila Espín Guillois in children from the third and forth cycle in the preschool education. Consequently, the objective stated in the present investigation was the elaboration of methodological suggestions for the preparation of teachers when treating the content related to the life and work of this exceptional woman in children from the previous mentioned cycles in “Amiguitos de la Paz” nursery school in Holguin. The following theoretical methods were used: analysis – synthesis and induction – deduction, as well as the empirical ones: interviews, observation, work with the sources and problem solving with field experimentation. The results obtained consisted in the determination of the specific contents to deal with in such cycles about the life and work of this heroine of the Cuban Revolution, which are not included in the Educative Program, also, methodological orientations for its treatment, poetry suggestions, a proposal of teaching media and a system of methodological workshops that higher the preparation of the teachers to direct activities about this topic in particular.


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AGUILERA DOMÍNGUEZ, ELIZABETH. Propuestas metodológicas para el trabajo con la historia local. Informe de investigación. Holguín, Instituto Superior Pedagógico “José de la Luz y Caballero”, 2001.
CUBA. MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN. En torno al Programa de Educación Preescolar. La Habana, Ed. Pueblo y Educación, 1994.



How to Cite

López Batista, Y., Toppe Benítez, R., & Oro Barrera, O. L. (2014). The treatment to the life and work of Vilma Lucila Espín Guillois in the Preschool. LUZ, 13(1), 61-71. Retrieved from

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