Approaching Stress from an Educational Context


  • Lurdes Ramírez Prieto Policlínico Mario Gutiérrez. Holguín. CUba
  • Katia Expósito Rodríguez Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín


professional stress, resilence


Stress is a psychological disorder in increase today, due to different social and personal factors. Educators are often submitted to stress situations, though they sometimes do not give the importance it really has, this limits, in some way or another, the efficiency of their work. The article aimed at presenting ideas and arguments that offered an insight of the disorder, along with suggestions on how to deal with it and prevent it. The article constituted an importantant theoretical and practical experience in an attempt to enrich the teachers’ educational performance, as well as their personal lives.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Prieto, L., & Expósito Rodríguez, K. (2012). Approaching Stress from an Educational Context. LUZ, 11(4), 26-35. Retrieved from


