Formation of linguistic habits and development of communicative skills in foreign languages


  • Ivonne Caridad Collada Peña Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas. La Habana, Cuba.
  • Alberto Román Medina Betancourt Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín
  • Jaice María Pupo Betancourt Dirección Municipal de Educación. Antilla, Holguín. Cuba


english language


In the article, the authors presented the theoretical foundations for the assumption of formation of linguistic habits and development of communicative skills. This was done with the objective to clear up this controversial aspect, from the perspective of the pedagogical sciences in general and of the didactics of foreign languages in particular. In the same way, it will be used as the theoretical bases for new theoretical contributions to be elaborated in the context of a research project that is being developed in the University of Pedagogical Sciences Of Holguin. The work started by the theoretical support of the categories of formation and development form a pedagogical point of view, with emphasis in the etymological analysis of formation. Then, an approximation to the different taxonomies about the learning process of the communicative skills was carried out. And, finally, the authors assumed their position in favor of formation and development, offering their reasons for such assumptions and illustrating them so as to make possible their use both, in new theoretical analysis and constructions and for its possible practical application.


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How to Cite

Collada Peña, I. C., Medina Betancourt, A. R., & Pupo Betancourt, J. M. (2012). Formation of linguistic habits and development of communicative skills in foreign languages. LUZ, 11(4), 14-25. Retrieved from


