La integración escolar del educando retrasado mental leve con Necesidades Educativas Especiales


  • Lídice Garrido Arredondo Instituto Superior Pedagógico José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín
  • Yamilé Ricardo Infante Instituto Superior Pedagógico José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín


integración escolar, retraso mental leve, necesidades educativas especiales


In Cuba, the Special Education Policy aspires and education directed to the particularities, demanding the need of a school integration i.e., conceiving the education of the childhood in the most normal possible conditions, in a socializing and developmental environment where the system of educational adjustments would be in function of everyone with or without |Special Education Needs (SEN). Holguín Province has an elevated number of students with SEN located on classrooms of General Education being taken care of by therapeutically teachers, and the Urbano Noris municipality is the one which has most cases, resulting as the second in the country with the highest percentage of mentally retarded students. The objective of this work is to achieve a higher level of integration of the educative process in this type of students which allows optimizing the collaborative action between the personnel of General Education and the Special Education, as well as the incorporation of the family and the community in his process.


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How to Cite

Garrido Arredondo, L., & Ricardo Infante, Y. (2006). La integración escolar del educando retrasado mental leve con Necesidades Educativas Especiales. LUZ, 5(2), 5. Retrieved from


