The Transforming and Creative Spirit of the Educational Project of the Cuban Teacher Luz y Caballero X


  • Falconeri Lahera Martínez University of Holguín. Cuba


Eclecticism; Philosophy school; philosophy; new man; feeling


The results exposed in this article follow the study presented in previous issues of this journal on the transforming and creative spirit of the educational project of the Cuban teacher José de la Luz y Caballero. This work aims at revealing the contributions presented by this outstanding educator in the Elenco de 1840 about the education scientific theory, the teaching process of Philosophy, and the formation process of a genuine native philosophical thought. This text evidences the theoretical extent reached by Luz’s philosophy in the interpretation of complex pedagogical, social, political, aesthetical, ethical and psychological issues, as well as the natural sciences, the method, and others. This research demanded the most appropriate methods concerning the topics’ characteristics, prioritizing the work with the gathered sources, which data were generalized through the logical procedures of the scientific knowledge.


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How to Cite

i Lahera Martínez, F. . (2021). The Transforming and Creative Spirit of the Educational Project of the Cuban Teacher Luz y Caballero X. LUZ, 20(4), 157-172. Retrieved from