Qualitative, Evaluative and Formative Impact of Beginner Students in the State University of Bolivar


  • Ruth Cecibelt Cedeño Álvarez Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Ecuador.
  • José Bladimir Guarnizo Delgado Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Ecuador.
  • Mónica del Rocío Secaira Durango Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Ecuador.


significant learning; adult learning; cognitivism; constructivism; pedagogic strategies


The present article expresses the obtained investigation results relative to the improving program aimed to the academic achievements during preparation and entrance examinations by the Leveling National System and Admission, -SNNA-. This investigation starts from the recognition of the unequal academic preparation and emptiness in learning, in addition to the low performances demonstrated in preparation and entrance examination. The objectives were to create a communication model of re-learning the basic matters associated to the wording, spelling and composition of the language; Proposing and disseminating this model along with his results in the high schools and college institutions, emphasizing in weaknesses and fallacies in learning; Raising the quality in the results of exams; Promoting the significant learning approach in the student, based on cognitivism. Scientific methods are adopted, such as the analysis and synthesis method; expert method; dialectic contradictions method; empiricist methods; and qualitative - quantitative method. The obtained results fulfilled the objectives, concluding in success in this investigating project which involves the rest of the institutions.


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How to Cite

Cedeño Álvarez, R. C., Guarnizo Delgado, J. B., & Secaira Durango, M. del R. (2018). Qualitative, Evaluative and Formative Impact of Beginner Students in the State University of Bolivar. LUZ, 17(3), 73-84. Retrieved from https://luz.uho.edu.cu/index.php/luz/article/view/924