The Initial Training of the Primary Teacher for the Attention to Students with Special Educational Needs


  • Nadia Chávez Zaldívar Universidad de Holguín. Cuba
  • Auxiliadora del Rocío Mendoza Cevallos Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Ecuador


inclusive education


The authors discussed the results of a study aimed at improving the initial training of the primary teacher to provide the educational response to students with learning difficulties, as needed. Aiming at the determination of the theoretical and methodological curricular strategy for inclusive education, based on the training process of the professional from the Bachelor of Primary Education. Theoretical and practical shortcomings were revealed in the attention to such students. Likewise, were provided essential elements that support how to structure the strategy for the development of teaching and professional skills, which were obtained from the use of empirical methods such as the observation, the revision of documents, interview and survey, and the theoretical methods: historico-logical, the induction-deduction, analysis - synthesis, as well as the systemic-structural-functional one. The major categories and their relationships in the professional training process for inclusive education were also determined. According to the study developed, the foundations of inclusion in the initial training of the primary teacher were also revealed.


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How to Cite

Chávez Zaldívar, N., & Mendoza Cevallos, A. del R. (2015). The Initial Training of the Primary Teacher for the Attention to Students with Special Educational Needs. LUZ, 14(Special), 67-79. Retrieved from