The didactic organization of the repertoire in the Workshop-class of Practice and Choral Conducting


  • Mailín Martín González Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín
  • Milton Ventura Reyes Santos Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín
  • Ana Cristina Castro Fuentes Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín


The work dealt with an important issue for the formation of a singular professional: the art instructor. It is the result of the systematization experience, and has as objective to value the conceptions about didactic organization through the arrangement, re-structuring and critical interpretation of the experience; which involved the adoption of different variants to exploit the music repertoire, in the discipline Choral Conducting, in the specialty of Bachelor´s degree in Education: Art Instructors, at the Pedagogical University of Holguin. For the study, methods such as the analysis of documents and interviews were used. From this perspective, an efficient learning of the singing techniques and the Choral Conducting was stimulated, as well as the contextualization of learnings.


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How to Cite

Martín González, M., Reyes Santos, M. V., & Castro Fuentes, A. C. (2014). The didactic organization of the repertoire in the Workshop-class of Practice and Choral Conducting. LUZ, 13(4), 85-95. Retrieved from