How to achieve motivation and participation in online engineering training? Methodological alternatives


  • Arasay Padrón Alvarez José Antonio Echeverría Technological University of Havana (Cujae).Cuba.
  • Roexcy Vega Prieto University of Computer Sciences (UCI). Cuba.
  • Cristóbal Torres Fernández International University of Valencia (VIU). Spain


formación; ingenieros; online; participación; compromiso., training; engineers; online; participation; commitment.


Nowadays, it is necessary to perfect the online training process to achieve the skills that professionals require. In this context, the objective is to evaluate the methodological proposal for the online training of engineers to strengthen motivation and participation. The methodology used is quantitative-descriptive-non-experimental, exploratory and evaluative in nature, and the presentation of empirical evidence from the results obtained in 2021 with 4th year Civil Engineering students of the university Cujae in an online course. The article presents a didactic conception based on the integration of processes, activities, resources and technologies; cooperative learning (CL) and didactic co-design (DC) for the assessment of motivation and participation levels.


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How to Cite

Padrón Alvarez, A. ., Vega Prieto, . R., & Torres Fernández, C. (2023). How to achieve motivation and participation in online engineering training? Methodological alternatives. LUZ, 23(1), e1396. Retrieved from