Strategic design oriented to the implementation of the Pedagogic Laboratory of Social Sciences (PLSC)


  • Rómulo Arteño Ramos Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Ecuador
  • Fabián Marcelo Aldaz Viscaíno Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Ecuador


This article corresponds to the second stage of the investigation developed on the subject of implementation and evaluation of the efficacy of pedagogic laboratory in social sciences (LPSC), developed in the city of Riobamba, province Chimborazo, Ecuador -. Once right now the theoretical frame was based in previous article, it is imposed to explicit the designing focus itself, assuming strategies in accordance to the pedagogic and, psych-sociological context. Once this investigation was put forward like combination of the qualitative and quantitative scientific fields, it develops the methods of case study, abstract- logician method, dialectic contradictions method, analysis and synthesis method, validation of assumptions and hypothesis method, consulting of expert method. The novelty lies in the adaptation to the context from subject of study to the heuristic of discovery and maintenance and conservation of the learning memory by the student, studying the pedagogic prevailing paradigm and once ethnologic and sociological variables was joined of the investigated specific field. Making simple the previous designing of six steps its implementation, are understood from different perspectives.


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How to Cite

Arteño Ramos, R., & Aldaz Viscaíno, F. M. (2017). Strategic design oriented to the implementation of the Pedagogic Laboratory of Social Sciences (PLSC). LUZ, 16(4), 97-107. Retrieved from

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