The Research Activity of Teaching Journalism


  • Ana del Rocío Saltos Carvajal Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Ecuador


higher education; journalism; university teacher research activity


process of Higher Education in the Lay University "Eloy Alfaro de Manabi" (Uleam), revealed as difficulty that teachers generally are not sufficiently prepared to develop a research activity that can become linchpin the various university processes in terms of achieving the formation of a comprehensive professional, committed to social transformation that the country in recent years. Given the importance that the formation of social communicator, particularly the journalist, a diagnosis of a sample of teachers and students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences (Facco) confirmed the presence of the aforementioned problems developed, so research carried had as main objective the preparation of faculty research career. They consulted and analyzed the governing documents of the University and the Faculty, as well as the professional profile and curriculum. The methods used were the analysis-synthesis, induction, deduction, survey, interview, scientific observation, document review and consulting specialists. This allows a proposed concrete actions for the development of research activity of university teaching journalism.


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How to Cite

Saltos Carvajal, A. del R. (2017). The Research Activity of Teaching Journalism. LUZ, 16(3), 71-79. Retrieved from