El trabajo y la conciencia en las concepciones económicas del Che


  • David Aguilera Leyva Instituto Superior Pedagógico José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín


Ernesto Che Guevara, economy, voluntary work


It approaches the necessary reflection of the thought of the Che to face the construction of the socialism in their creative character and transformer, in which is located the man in the center of all the changes. It points out that for him it was important the new meaning that you/they would have the work and the conscience in the new society, as well as their narrow linking with the productive results to reach. It emphasizes in the narrow relationship among work and it makes aware, and between conscience and production, questions to those that he lent them the maximum attention. He/she underlines the practical value that attributes to the work in their relationship with the conscience and the production. Expressed that he captured the idea that to build the socialism you should not appeal to the direct mechanisms of material stimulation to motivate to the producers, but in forming a conscience in them of the necessity of the social duty above any personal interest of groups, and that this idea keeps it narrows relationship with its conception of the voluntary work, considered as the most important instrument in the formation of a new communist conscience.  


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GUEVARA DE LA SERNA, ERNESTO. Escritos y discursos. Ciudad de La Habana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1977. Tomo V.
GUEVARA DE LA SERNA, ERNESTO.Política e ideología. Ciudad de La Habana, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1990.



How to Cite

Aguilera Leyva, D. (2007). El trabajo y la conciencia en las concepciones económicas del Che. LUZ, 6(Especial), 2. Retrieved from https://luz.uho.edu.cu/index.php/luz/article/view/315