Propuesta de estrategia para el trabajo ortográfico en la Secundaria Básica


  • Eustiquiano Rojas Batista Instituto Superior Pedagógico José de la Luz y Caballero Holguín


orthography, secondary school


Orthography, a fundamental component of our mother tongue, brings about several handicaps to the speakers of the linguistic community of Spanish language to master it, interfering in the elegance and cleanness of the written communication. The main difficulties deal with the use of the tilde mark, the use of different graphemes and the use of the punctuation marks. There are several causes of the actual problems concerning orthography, either objective or subjective, which can be diminished or can even disappear by carrying out a differentiated work and a systematic one, what demonstrates that a writing without orthographic errors can be achieved. To accomplish this objective, a system of some strategic actions to be implemented in the Secondary School is suggested. The consolidation class is also included within it, an educational activity of great importance for the individualization of the teaching process, of which an example is given as a suggestion as well.


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How to Cite

Rojas Batista, E. (2007). Propuesta de estrategia para el trabajo ortográfico en la Secundaria Básica. LUZ, 6(2), 10. Retrieved from