Conceptual approach to Regenerative Schools. Proposal notes for Ecuadorian Education


  • Klever Hernán García-Gallegos National University of Education. Ecuador
  • Silvia Maribel Sarmiento-Berrezueta National University of Education. Ecuador
  • Arelys García Chávez National University of Education. Ecuador
  • Carlos Viltre Calderón Latin American Center for Studies in Pedagogical Epistemology. Holguin


Environmental Education; Regenerative Schools; theoretical-conceptual conception; educational model; curriculum; Ecuador


The accelerated degeneration of the planet is gaining ground, leaving no respite for educational public policy, while supporting proposals that allow, from its role, to minimize these negative impacts on Mother Earth from environmental education. National and international organizations and educational systems play an indispensable role in this projection and that is when the need for dialogue in the construction and deconstruction of study curricula comes into play. Work has been done in this direction since the conception of the Regenerative Schools, but regardless of the fact that the proposal has not have the expected impact on the educational systems of the region, the researches on the systematization of this educational proposal are poor. This theoretical-conceptual article from hermeneusis, historical-logical analysis and documentary analysis, aims to conceptualize the constructs associated with regenerative environmental education.


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How to Cite

García-Gallegos, K. H., Sarmiento-Berrezueta, S. M. ., García Chávez, A. ., & Viltre Calderón, C. . (2024). Conceptual approach to Regenerative Schools. Proposal notes for Ecuadorian Education. LUZ, 23(2), e1442. Retrieved from