Rubrics for evaluating the quality of distance courses


  • Porfirio Lorenzo Puig Estrada Informatic science University. Cuba.
  • Eilin Hernández Rivera


quality; course; evaluation; guidelines; rubric


At the University of Informatics Sciences a great amount of distance courses are taught. Professors who design the courses and the team of professors and specialists in charge of revising the quality of the courses follow the guidelines established by the National Center for Distance Education (CENED) for these courses revision. These guidelines are the main tool for creating and checking the quality of the courses. However, there are no rubrics for evaluating and self-evaluating the quality of the courses published on the CENED virtual classroom.The objective of this research is to design a proposal of rubrics for evaluating the quality of distance courses published on the CENED virtual classroom. To achieve this goal, search and inclusion criteria, as well as an exploratory relational description, have been used with the review of several courses from different universities. These results have been included in the proposal made.


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How to Cite

Puig Estrada, P. L. ., & Hernández Rivera, E. (2024). Rubrics for evaluating the quality of distance courses. LUZ, 23(2), e1433. Retrieved from