Temporality of the process of direction in the programming of tactical potentiation in the juvenile fighters


  • Benjamín Blas Thorfe Blanco Las Tunas University. Cuba
  • Osbiel Rodríguez Domínguez University of Las Tunas. Cuba


olympic fight; programming; tactical potentiation; temporality


The optimization of the process of direction and programming of the tactical potentiation in the juvenile fighters constitutes the fundamental objective of the realized investigation. Methods and fact-finding techniques during the stage of diagnosis, between which the analysis of the plans of workout and the opinion polls to the selected specialists were highlighted, and observations were accomplished to units of training and competitions; Insufficiency in programming, planning, implementation, and control of the tactical potentiation in real situations of combat, over an adequate general tactics's base, was detected. With the application of the tactical indicators in the course of address in the programming of tactical potentiation in the juvenile fighters, a greater effectiveness and efficacy of the competitive activity was achieved, which is why the application of the tactical indicators is considered feasible.


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How to Cite

Blas Thorfe Blanco, B. ., & Rodríguez Domínguez, O. . (2024). Temporality of the process of direction in the programming of tactical potentiation in the juvenile fighters. LUZ, 23(2), e1432. Retrieved from https://luz.uho.edu.cu/index.php/luz/article/view/1432