The local history of the San Agustín de Aguarás neighborhood. Activities to favor the teaching of the History of Cuba


  • Jessica Vela Batista Calixto García Municipal University Center, Holguín. Cuba
  • Jorge Francisco Batista Batista Calixto García Municipal University Center, Holguín. Cuba
  • Sandra María Peña Aguilera Calixto García Municipal University Center, Holguín. Cuba


colony ;San Agustín; local history, activities, historical events


The teaching of the local History is important because of the civic, ética and educative potentialities that It gives; the development of the capacities in college students because It gives the necessary procedures for their correct insertion in education. A study was made about San Agustín de Aguaras' socioeconomical evolution between the XVIII and XIX  centuries, which reveals the neighborhood's rol as intermediate point , on which the traditional cattle and the zugar modernizing económical dynamics come toguether, which transformed it's reality and growth. Stages that stand out with relevant historical events are analyzed, where an investigative qualitative approach is predominant ,based on a work with bibliographical, documental and oral sources and on the analysis of archive documents. The goal is to give a new Outlook about the birth and development of San Agustín de Aguaras, neighborhood of Calixto García Municipal, Holguin province. In this geography came toguether different económical spaces, this way the potentialities and limitations of both productive manners on these lands were exposed, when going from an extensive animal husbandry and a mostly self-sufficient peasantry, to a commercial-aimed breading and crop.


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How to Cite

Vela Batista , J. ., Batista Batista, J. F. ., & Peña Aguilera, S. M. . (2023). The local history of the San Agustín de Aguarás neighborhood. Activities to favor the teaching of the History of Cuba. LUZ, 22(1). Retrieved from



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