The Stimulation of the Investigation in Children of the Initial Education


  • Francia Velasco Tutivén Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil. Ecuador
  • Julia Zeballos Chang Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil. Ecuador
  • Rafael Montenegro Ramírez Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil. Ecuador


research, elementary education


The changes that happen in the Educational System in the Republic of Ecuador with the purpose of improving the quality of the educational service in all the educational levels, they drive to the stimulation of the investigation in the Initial Education; like base of the integral development of the personality in their traffic for the educational levels. The present work has as objective the elaboration of a strategy to stimulate the development of investigative dexterities in children of four years of the Initial Education, by means of visual organizers. The investigation-action-participative and the partial implementation in the practice as used investigation methods, they demonstrated their it was worth as long as transformations were verified in the methods used by the educational ones and the learning of the children that when discovering, to feel, to think and to act through the fundamental activity of their age, is developed chord to their necessities and interests, in correspondence with the social demands.


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How to Cite

Velasco Tutivén, F., Zeballos Chang, J., & Montenegro Ramírez, R. (2016). The Stimulation of the Investigation in Children of the Initial Education. LUZ, 15(3), 1-13. Retrieved from

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