Violence against the woman. A strategy of administration for their prevention


  • Meglis Rivero Favier Guantanamo University
  • Bárbara Mailen Silven Savigñón Guantanamo University
  • Nayra Martínez Manzanares Guantanamo University


strategy; administration; violence against the woman; prevention.


The study addresses the management of the Chair "Women, Family, and Guantanamo Society" of the University of Guantanamo for the prevention of violence against women. It is part of a research that as a result of the theoretical systematization and diagnosis, a strategy is designed as a way to prepare the members of this chair. The results were validated using methodological triangulation between the method of expert criteria, socialization workshops, and experience reports, which made it possible to demonstrate the novelty, pertinence, and feasibility of the proposal. 


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How to Cite

Rivero Favier, M., Silven Savigñón, B. M., & Martínez Manzanares, N. (2023). Violence against the woman. A strategy of administration for their prevention. LUZ, 23(2), e1371. Retrieved from