
We reiterate in this first edition of the year 2020 to researchers who wish to publish in Luz, who must have their ORCID registry, which they can obtain for free through the url: https://orcid.org/

In this first installment of the year we present articles by authors from universities in Guantánamo, Camagüey, Las Tunas, Holguín, as well as authors from Ecuador and Angola. Readers who approach our magazine will be able to find works mostly related to professional training and primary education.

Two works are directly related to the orientation of the professional, but from different edges, and aimed at professionals from different branches, one is: Professional orientation for pre-university students from the University of Camaguey, which presents actions aimed at these students, from the work that corresponds to the Vice-Rectory of Formation of said university; The other work is entitled The computer training of Angola's telecommunications police: challenges and perspectives, it works specifically from computer science and provides for the professionalization of this sector in information and communications technologies.

Other articles also work on professional training, but specifically the orientation of professionals who will work with primary or basic education, is the case of: A method for learning General Psychology in EB teachers in initial training; The training of the early childhood professional for the exercise of family orientation; Communication-understanding: a need in the professional training process in Uleam; Teacher training for the conception of the class in multigrade groups; The construction of written texts from the guiding role of the teacher and Proposal of the pedagogical leadership competence to be developed in the Basic Education teachers.

In search of stimulating thinking, creativity and strengthening values ​​such as the responsibility of students in the area of ​​technical sciences we offer: The development of creativity in students of medium technical in Agronomy through the English subject and Reflection workshops for strengthen responsible sexuality in students.

The educational orientation is a subject that is still present in our latest editions, this time we offer the article: The educational orientation in the formation of the ability to argue in the students of Pedagogy-Psychology.

The Luz module for its part provides the third installment of: The Transforming and Creative Spirit of the Educational Project of the Cuban Teacher Luz y Caballero.

We invite Luz users to share their impressions, doubts, suggestions and more through our social media profiles such as twitter, facebook, google schoolar, linkedin, and the magazine's blog, available at: https://revistaluzuho.blogspot.com/

The editor